An odyssey to the west

This blog will document the entire event of my trip to Canada and its preparation work. Be warned: occasional crapping and irrelevant details about my life will also be featured in this blog.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Trivial nonsense

Before I continue to upload the impossibly huge cache of Niagara falls pictures, let me show you folks back home the picture of our Fluids 2 lecturer.

He bears an uncanny resemblance to a character in one of my favourite movie, can you guess who it is? The person who can come up with a correct/satisfactory enough answer will be the proud owner of a key chain from the Niagara falls (it's not really expensive stuff, but it's all the way from Canada!).

(PS: Each person is only entitled to one attempt only and MY family members cannot participate in this contest!)

(PS my previous PS: Rules are subjected to changes most of the time, depending on my mood)


  • At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wat? issit Dr Evil from the spy who shagged me? haahaa...


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