An odyssey to the west

This blog will document the entire event of my trip to Canada and its preparation work. Be warned: occasional crapping and irrelevant details about my life will also be featured in this blog.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I walked into the set of Pride & Prejudice

The title for this entry echoed my exact sentiments when I finally arrived at Medway-Sydenham hall in UWO. I guessed the three of us simply cannot comprehend how on Earth can a student residence be built so elegantly. Even a darned street lamp can easily thrash NTU's, whose buildings are constructed to be woefully utilitarian. Little did we realize, the exterior of the residence was only the tip of the ice berg of the architecture shock we're about to experience. Naturally, our intrepid photographer will not miss the chance to take some pictures of our residence.

The green patch of land within the premise of the residence is known as the Quad. Basically, it is a mini-park where students can play sports or do some outdoor reading.

Sydenham hall, the oldest hall of residence in UWO with a distinctive Victorian age architecture. My first thoughts when I saw this building was: this has got to be a museum! I thought only Oxford or Eton college still boost fine architectures like these. I was totally blown away, if only they have more adventurous architectures like these in NTU back home. I mean how can any of the halls back in NTU from 1 to 15 come anywhere close to matching a residence like this?

Me and Jiahao's wing in the residence, the Neville house.

Me and Jiahao's room, notice the stark difference between the exterior of the residence and its rooms. By a stroke of luck, we got ourselves a double room.

Jiahao's bed,

and mine...

We each has a walk-in wardrobe, not much 'walk-in' space, but better than nothing.

Beneath that modest windbreaker and miserable 3 quarters, I was really shivering like mad on that cold, yet sunny morning.

The gates of the residence at night. The lamps that lit the compounds is really captivating. You can easily take a romantic stroll within the premise of the residence after dinner and be captivated by the charm exuded from the building.

River Thames, a river that meanders through London. It is also the river that seperates Medway-Sydenham hall from the campus.

Across the bridge, the beautiful campus of UWO awaits. More pictures will be uploaded on my next entry, until then, I'm simply overwhelmed by fatigue from my Niagara trip over the weekends, and long for some decent rest.


  • At 10:29 PM, Blogger hon said…

    looking forward to seeing pictures of the falls!

  • At 6:53 AM, Blogger Weizhong said…

    the pictures we took at Niagara falls cost us about 3 128MB memory cards and countless Energisers. I really have to thank our intrepid photographer Allan & Jiahao for their efforts in lugging the 'ammunitions' and expending all of them at the falls to capture plenty of great pictures. Stay tuned for the Niagara falls entry, I promise it will blow you away.


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