An odyssey to the west

This blog will document the entire event of my trip to Canada and its preparation work. Be warned: occasional crapping and irrelevant details about my life will also be featured in this blog.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Trials and tribulations for the past 2 months

At long last, I managed to clear 2 AUs worth of lab work in 3 weeks. Before any of my dear readers say, "What's so great about that?", let me remind you that the lab session was supposed to be completed within 2.5 months. Not to mention that we need to submit 2 formal reports for this lab module (well, 1 of the report is a group effort, that makes me & Jiahao free riders). But to complete one report in 3 weeks was no easy feat either, and one of the lab session was 9 hours straight (switched off most of the time during briefing by the lab techs). I must have slept for at most 15 hours 3 days before the deadline for submission. Found myself overloaded on caffine for that entire week.

Hence, when everyone around me (including the formiable clique of gossiping aunties in my block) asked me whether I'm excited or ecstatic about the impending trip, all I could muster was a weak smile. I am both too tired and dispirited by my workload during this entire summer break to be ecstatic. As mentioned, it was supposed to be a summer BREAK, but it was plagued with work, work and more work (sounds like a grunt in WC 3). Let me do a brief recap of what happened during the entire 'break', immediately after my exams for the second semester:

1) EID project - 2 AUs (enthusiasm for trip: 10/10)
Initially thought it would be an incredibly boring process, but was proven totally wrong. Had plenty of fun with project group members. No wait, had fun ALL the time doing the project, even when drawing the drafts for the prototype and typing the darned report with Junyong at Macdonalds. Thought that group members are introverts and uninspired, but cliqued right away after a few meetings. Hats off to Kaijing and Lena, who are now officially skilled dota players *salutes*. Sounds ironic, but I really miss the EID sessions, even the boring lectures. In short, it was a memorable 5 week with plenty of badminton sessions in between.

2) Intersem 2 EE8085 - 3 AUs (enthusiasm for trip 6/10)
This time I was proven right. Incredibly boring EEE module right from the start. So boring that I was too numbed to process what the lecturer was saying every single lecture and doodled on my lecture notes all the time (until no more space to doodle), secretly begin to think Pauline was extremely annoyed by my incessant doodling. Knew right from the start that I will regret taking this module, and feelings were confirmed when I was studying for the exams. Once again thanked God that I'm in MAE instead of EEE. Prayed for a 'just pass can liao la' during eve of exams. Glad to clear it eventually (prayers answered).

3) Yr 3 lab MP3072 - 2 AUs (enthusiasm for trip 1/10)
Majiam like fate like that, this module has to be cleared before we leave for Canada, if not it will come back to haunt us in our final year. We had to beg the coordinating professors to let us complete the lab in 3 weeks. Fortunately enough, the profs relented, and we had to finish 2 dreaded reports in 3 weeks. I could swear that there were several times where me and Jiahao were totally demoralized during the lab sessions, due to conflicting timetables with the coordinators of certain experiments. Immensely burnt out. Felt very guilty that we were imposing on our project group members for P3.11 and the coordinators who lent us a hand to make this possible. Once again, could not express my gratitude enough for P3.17's coordinator U Xuan.

Now that everything is over, me and Jiahao did not heave a sigh of relief. I guess both of us are really worn out. Only when I was stuffing the remainder of my junks into the luggage, did I realise how close the date of departure was. That brought my enthusiasm level up somewhat, but it was still insufficient to raise my morale. I was suddenly reminded by what Allan told me on monday when we were discussing the itineraries for NY and Boston, "There is always darkness before dawn.", now that darkness has passed, let's see whether the dawn will bring forth fresh hopes over at Canada.


  • At 2:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    TIME STARTED: 31 AUG, 5:30PM

    It's pretty amzing that I've been counting down with u guys ever since I knew that the both of u were gg to Canada. Well, good news today is the last day. In fact, it's jus 10hrs before u both are out of Singapore. Start getting use to being far far away from home.

    The weather now is freezing cold. See?!? Even 老天爷 is preparing u guys for winter already. Probably the weather there would be much much colder. Wear more (think u both need tat)

    Think i will miss both u and jiahao's endless squabbering and nonsense. There goes my lunchtime entertainers...haiz...Need to find an alternative了.

    Bon voyage....enjoy urself there...DUN FORGET TO STUDY OSO!!TAKE CARE. さようなら、みん-なさん。Bye bye!!

    TIME ENDED: 31 AUG, 5:47PM

  • At 4:23 AM, Blogger hon said…

    eh. the dawn arrives here in singapore earlier than in canada... too bad!

    anyway, stay safe there. come back in one piece!

  • At 6:46 AM, Blogger zhenshen said…

    Bon voyage bro!!! come back alive!!! =)

  • At 9:22 AM, Blogger Jing said…

    Our EID grp was surprisingly onz ah! I still tot it'd be a boring month with the project. But we're still not that skilled dota players la... Just go haf fun only haha.

    Anyway 一路顺风! Have fun there ah. But don't play until forget to come back S'pore. =)


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