An odyssey to the west

This blog will document the entire event of my trip to Canada and its preparation work. Be warned: occasional crapping and irrelevant details about my life will also be featured in this blog.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Something is awfully wrong!!!

I was referring to the weather in Canada of course, it snowed at approximately 11 am today on the 12th of October Thursday. One Canadian living on my floor commented, "F**king crazy weather! This is not supposed to happen man..." and he disappeared into the raging blizzard that was slowly gaining in its furiocity. Casting the obvious weather abnormality aside, instead of feeling wretched (like that Canadian), I was exhilarated! This is the first time I have SEEN and FELT snow! Entire buildings and stretches of lawns were covered in sheets of snow, the feeling was almost surreal. Almost immediately, I was engulfed in a poetic mood and taken over by romantic ideals. It's worth it to freeze to death in this sub-zero temperature to marvel at this sight.

Although it was truly a sight to behold for someone who has lived in the equatorial region all his life, I really could not help but wonder if this meteorolgical disorder (winter and snow fall only comes to London in late November) is the prelude to yet another grave environmental issue? But for now, I'm really quite contented in seeing the heavy snow fall create a white and fairy-tale-like campus.


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