An odyssey to the west

This blog will document the entire event of my trip to Canada and its preparation work. Be warned: occasional crapping and irrelevant details about my life will also be featured in this blog.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

The trip reaches a climax at Niagara (part 6)

I suppose good things come in parts of 6s? From the Number of pictures I have uploaded onto my blog so far, you can have a rough idea of how prolific our photographers are. In this concluding part of the Niagara series, we took a leisure stroll down the rest of the Niagara fall's wide boulevard.

My favourite toy when I was a kid: Robocop.

An Oscar for my mum! There's no doubt that she deserves the award!

Took a picture with the Pope! How cool is that?

Posing with Tiger Woods.

Allan has a new car, but I don't fancy a ride in it.

The 'Mecca' for all chocolate lovers around the world: Hershey's factory!

The interior of Hershey's, being a hadrcore chocolate lover, this is the closest thing to heaven on earth I have found.

Guess the Hershey's kiss mascot doesn't like me very much...

Spoilt for choices... So many rows of chocolate fudge, but so few cash left!

Tucking into the chocolate fudge!!!

After spending a night at Niagara and a fair amount of cash, the mood became heavy went we were about to leave. Alas, why are happy times so fleeting? Nevertheless, Niagara Falls has etched a lasting memory on the back of our minds with its grandeur, beauty and without a doubt, its unique and quiet charm at night.


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