An odyssey to the west

This blog will document the entire event of my trip to Canada and its preparation work. Be warned: occasional crapping and irrelevant details about my life will also be featured in this blog.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Long Halloween Part 5--> Pumpkin Carving

After getting inebriated at the party, and carried back to my residence *alive* (thanks to Allan and Jiahao), I was really surprised that I was able to make it for the pumpkin carving the next day at all. We have never carved a pumpkin before, and definitely will not miss it for the world. Below is the step by step procedure of carving an award winning pumpkin:

Step 1:

Choose the biggest pumpkin you can lay your hands on. The bigger the better...

Step 2:

Draw rough outlines on the pumpkin.

Step 3:

Cut an opening on top of the pumpkin to scoop out the seeds and the flesh of the pumpkin.

Step 4:

Do not throw away the seeds! Collect them on a tray, lightly sprinkle some salt and roast them in an oven for 20 minutes or so for a convenient 'after carving' snack.

Step 5:

With a sharp pair of knife, begin the carving of the pumpkin, inhaling and exhaling with each stabbing and withdrawing movement.

Step 6:

The final touches is added on by signing off your name on the pumpkin (in this case, since this is the joint labor of 4 students from NTU, we decided to dedicate our first carved pumpkin to our home university).

Step 7:

The pumpkin seeds are ready to be savoured.

Step 8:

Viola, our very first pumpkin. Take tons of photo now with the pumpkin to complete this tutorial!

A display of all the pumpkins carved that day.


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